Headstones & Plaques – Pricelist, Gallery and Designs

We specialise in sculpting indigenous hard stones and have a large selection of materials from New Zealand soil, where the spirit and mana of this country resides. These include marble, granite, sandstone, basalt, limestone and much more. We ensure that every headstone is a unique piece of art that honours your loved one.
As we are frequently asked, please note that yes we deliver nationwide!


Customised Headstones

Popular Headstones

Flower Embellished Headstone “Flower Embellished”
Material: Amphibolite

Price: $ 5900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Following prices include GST and 120 engraved and painted letters.

Headstone (600×450) with Square Shape Base in Polished Granite
Saddle headstone with Rectangular base

Rectangular $1950 tombstone-rectangular-black
Camber $1950 gravestone-camber-black
Saddle $1950 headstone-saddle-granite
Wave $1950 headstone-wave-black
Book $2300 Headstone-book-shape
Double $2620 Tombstone-Double-Granite

Headstone (600×450) with Square Shape Base and slope in middle in polished Granite
Saddle headstone with Desk shape base

Rectangular $2190 tombstone-rectangular-black
Camber $2190 gravestone-camber-black
Saddle $2190 headstone-saddle-granite
Wave $2190 headstone-wave-black
Book $2490 Headstone-book-shape
Double $2750 Tombstone-Double-Granite


Vase from $60
Photo Ceramic (60 x 80,price for other sizes on demand) $290
Paua Inlays from $200
Mosaic Stripe from $495


Painted $1.90 each letter
Paua Inlayed $12 each letter
Lead $14.50 each letter
Bronze $28.50 each letter


Plaque 270 x 150, All colours incl. 65 letters, polished edge $390
Plaque 150 x 80, All Colours incl. 65, polished edge $335
Bronze Plaque 250 x 150 (with up to 120 letters) $850
White Harmony Headstone “White Harmony”
Material: White Marble, Copper and Paua

Price: $ 9200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Red Oval Headstone
“Red Oval”
Material: Red Granite

Price: $ 5200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Material: Wanaka Schist (NZ Stone)

Price in Wanaka Schist: $ 6600
Price in Orion Blue Granite: $ 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Koru Rebirth
Koru Rebirth
Birth Underneath
“Koru Rebirth”
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone) with Steel Sculpture

Price: $ 5800

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Examples of Wave Shapes
headstones wave
Wave in Green Granite
headstones wave
Wave in Black Pearl Granite
headstones wave
Wave in Black Granite
Wave Headstone Wave in Carrara Marble
Wave Headstone Tall Wave in Black Granite
Koru Headstone .
Headstone Koru . Koru Headstone“Koru”
Material: Green Granit
Price: $ 3900
This includes 120 letters and more ->
Examples of Saddle Shapes
headstone saddle
Saddle in Black Granite
Headstone Saddle
Saddle in Black Granite
Headstone Saddle
Saddle in Black Granite
Basalt RiverBasalt River“Basalt River”
Material: Basalt
Price: $ 5200
This includes 120 letters and more ->
Examples of Camber Shapes. Headstone Camber
Camber in Kashmere White Granite
Headstone Camber
Camber in Orion Blue Granite
Headstone-ivy-grey-granitetombstone-ivy-grey-graniteIvy Headstone“Ivy”
Material: Grey Granite and Corten Steel

Price: $ 6200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Examples of Book Shapes
headstone book
Book in Green Granite
headstone book
Book in Black Granite
Whakapapa Koru .Whakapapa Ties Headstone
“Whakapapa Ties”
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone) and paua

Price: $ 6200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Paua Wings
Paua Wings
“Paua Wings”
Material: Carrara Marble with Paua Inlay

Price: $ 5000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Attraction Headstone.
Attraction Headstone “Attraction”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 7900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
headstone air
Headstone Air
Headstone Air
Material: Takaka Marble

Price: $ 9500

This includes 120 letters and more ->

Headstone Angel
Angel headstone design
Material: Carrara Marble
Price: $ 8900
This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Book
“The Word 1”
headstone book.The word headstone“The Word 2”
Material: Black Granite
Price: $ 4600 (Both models)
This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Split
Headstone Split
Headstone Split
Material: Basalt

Price: $ 5600

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Century Headstone “Century”
Material: Carrara Marble

Price: $ 10000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Art Noveau Muses
Art Noveau Muses
Art Noveau Muses
Art Noveau Muses
“Art Noveau Muses”
Material: Carrara Marble
Price: $ 16000
This includes 120 letters and more ->
headstones mourning angel
“Mourning angel 1”
headstones mourning angel
“Mourning Angel 2”
Headstones mourning angel
“Mourning Angel 3”
headstones mourning angel
“Mourning Angel 4”
headstones mourning angel
“Mourning Angel 5”
Angel Headstone Carving“Carving example”
Material: Various Colours
Price: $ 4900 – 6500
This includes 120 letters and more ->
headstone tree of life
“Tree of Life”
Material: Limestone

Price: $ 6300

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstones tree wave
“Entangled Heart”
Material: Black Granite
Price: $ 3900
This includes 120 letters and more ->
Monument Water is life
monument water is life
“Water is Life”
Material: White Marble

Price: $ 5400 – 5500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
monument lillies
Material: Orion Blue Granite

Price: $ 4500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
monument eternity
Monument Eternity
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 5700

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Be Strong Headstone “Be Strong”
Material: Green Granite

Price: $8100

This includes 120 letters and more ->
monument design for lakeshore
Material: Basalt (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 6200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Material: Black Granite and Aluminium

Price: $ 4200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Design for Elements
Material: Te Kuiti Limeslab (NZ Stone) with steel inlay

Price: $ 5500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Material: Takaka Marble

Price: $ 7200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
(Price does not include ceramic photo on the left headstone)

Kind Heart Headstone
“Kind Heart”
Material: Carrara marble and paua

Price: $ 6200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Triple Eternity
“Triple Eternity”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Hand in Hand Headstone
Hand in Hand Headstone
Hand in Hand Headstone
“Hand in Hand”
Material: Honed black granite, bronze and stainless steel

Price: $ 9600

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Tombstone Roses
“Roses 1”
Tombstone Roses
“Roses 2”
Tombstone Roses
“Roses 3”
Material: Various Granites

Price: $ 3900 – 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Tombstone Cloak
Tombastone Cloak
Material: Green Granite

Price: $ 7500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Entangled Roses
“Greeting the sun”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 4200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Complete
Headstone Complete
Material: Takaka Marble and Copper

Price: $ 8900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Fragile Blue Headstone
“Fragile Blue”
Material: Orion blue granite

Price: $ 4200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Lucid
Headstone Lucid
Headstone Lucid
Material: Black Granite and Lead Glass

Price: $ 10500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Illuminated Cross Headstoned
Illuminated Cross Headstoned
“Illuminated Cross”
Material: Carrara marble and glass

Price: $ 9900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Memorial Lady
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 14500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Monument Lying Book
“Opened Book”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 4200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Paua
Material: Amphibolite (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 5200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Monument Tall Wave
“Tall Wave”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 3900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Material: Carrara Marble with Mosaic

Price: $ 12800

This includes 120 letters and more ->

Lapis Lazuli Headstone
Lapis Lazuli Headstone
“Lapis Lazuli”
Material: Carrara marble and lapis lazuli

Price: $ 17000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Leaves Ascending Headstone
“Leaves Ascending”
Material: Black honed basalt

Price: $ 5500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Forged Headstone “Forged in Fire”
Material: Taupo Basalt (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 4000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone drifting
Headstone drifting
Material: Basalt

Price: $ 5900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Poet Headstone
Poet Headstone
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 6000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone The Tower
“The Tower”
Material: Grey Granite

Price: $ 8100

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Pink Angel Headstone
Pink Angel Headstone
“Pink Angel”
Material: White marble

Price: $ 10000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone the River
“The River”
Material: White Marble

Price: $ 6800

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Single Heart
“Single Heart”
Material: Grey Granite

Price: $ 3800

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Broached Cross
“Broached Cross”
Material: Dark Grey Granite

Price: $ 5200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Papillion Headstone
Papillion Headstone
Material: Black granite and paua

Price: $ 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Copper Fern Headstone
“Copper Fern”
Material: Marble and copper

Price: $ 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Corten Story Headstone
“Corten Story”
Material: White marble and corten steel

Price: $ 5000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Slow Growth
Headstone Slow Growth
“Slow Growth”
Material: Amphibolite

Price: $ 6400

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Green Flash Headstone
“Green Flash”
Material: Carrara marble and glass

Price: $ 9200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Together forever headstone
“Together Forever”
Material: Carrara Marble, copper and paua

Price: $ 6400

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Heart Dove
“Heart Dove”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 4500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Centennial Stone
Centennial Stone
Design for Centennial Stone
“Centennial Stone”
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 7800

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Coming Home “Coming Home”
Material: White Marble

Price: $ 9100

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Shell Arch
Headstone shell arch
“Shell Arch”
Material: Amphibolite and Paua Inlays

Price: $ 5700
This includes 120 letters and more ->
Paua Eternity Headstone
“Paua Eternity”
Material: Honed black basalt and paua

Price: $ 7000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Roots and Sprouts
Headstone Roots and Sprouts
“Roots and Sprouts”
Material: Green Granite

Price: $ 6000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Te Reo
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 5600

This includes 120 letters and more ->


“Water Trap”
Material: Green Granite

Price: $ 7000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Nikau Headstone
Material: Honed black basalt

Price: $ 6500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Ruru Headstone
Material: Amphibolite

Price: $ 5500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Celtic Cross Headstone
“Celtic Cross”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 4200

This includes 120 letters and more -> .
Tamoko Wave Headstone
“Tamoko Wave”
Material: White marble, greenstone and paua

Price: $ 8200

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Cross Headstone
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 4400

This includes 120 letters and more ->


Material: Greywacke (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 4500
This includes 120 letters and more ->
Impact “Impact”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 9000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Remembering
Material: White Marble

Price: $ 7600

This includes 120 letters and more ->
“Gold Maunga”
Material: Black Granite

Price: $8500

This includes 120 letters and more ->


“The Pendant”
Material: Green Granite

Price: $ 5000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Under Shelter Headstone
“Under Shelter”
Material: Te Kuiti Limeslab

Price: $ 5600

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Green Manaia
“Green Manaia”
Material: Green Granite

Price: $ 3900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Mosaic Tree
The Shade
“Mosaic Tree”
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone) with Mosaic Inlay

Price: $ 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Headstone Standing Guard
“Standing Guard”
Material: Black Granite and Bronze

Price: $ 9300

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Material: Sandstone and Corten Steel

Price: $ 5600

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Vision Headstone.Headstone Vision
Material: Orion Blue Granite

Price: $ 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->


Material: Black Granite

Price: $ 7800

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Open Portal
Open Portal
Headstone Twin
“Open Portal”
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone) and Paua

Price: $ 4900

This includes 120 letters and more ->
“Floating Away”
Material: Basalt and Bronze

Price: $ 9800

This includes 120 letters and more ->.
Headstone Racing
Material: Carrara Marble

Price: $ 7600

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Meandering Gravestone
Meandering Gravestone
Material: White marble and glass

Price: $ 12000

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Material: Takaka Marble (NZ Stone)

Price: $ 9500

This includes 120 letters and more ->
Shimmer headstone
Shimmer headstone
Material: Carrara marble, glass and stainless steel

Price: $ 8200

This includes 120 letters and more ->

Headstone Islands
Material: Green Granite

Price: $ 6600

This includes 120 letters and more ->

Design Koru Wave “Koru Wave”
Headstone Eternity
Headstone Koru Whanau
“Koru Whanau”
Design for Hugs “Hugs”
Headstone Design
“Lifting Up”
Headstone Kelp
“Entangled in Kelp”



The shown price indicates the value of the headstone at the time when it was last ordered. This includes the design, material, sculpting work and 120 letters of engraved inscription.

Please note that most customised designs do not have a price tag since they are one-offs and very individual pieces. The shown price is simply there to give you an idea of the customised work that is available for a certain budget.

Delivery Time:

The standard delivery time is 12 weeks

New Zealand Stone:

Not a lot of Kiwis know that 95% of all headstones sold in New Zealand are quarried and carved overseas.
Most monumental masons do not have any carving, cutting or polishing gear and only engrave the stones. Please have a look at our documentary on youtube if you like more background information about this topic. To read more about the advantages and disadvantages of NZ stone in compare to stone from overseas click here.

If you wish to know more about the material itself (distinction between granite and marble etc.) click here.

We deliver nationwide: Our headstones have been going to all over NZ. Headstones NZ, Headstones Auckland, Headstones Napier, Headstones Hastings, Headstones Wellington, Headstones Christchurch, Headstones Hawkes Bay, Headstones Waipukurau and many more towns.

2018 ATOS Hawkes Bay – Hastings, Napier, Waipukurau